Healthy lifestyle concept with diet and fitness
Nutritional Services
Manager: Karen Schilling
Hours: Everyday, 6am-6pm
Phone: (985) 795-4125, (985) 795-4126, (985) 795-4127
Riverside Medical Center Nutritional ServicesDepartment provides meals for inpatients, outpatients, physicians, team members, auxiliary, staff and other guests of the hospital.
Medical Nutritional Therapy is an important part of your care at Riverside Medical Center. Meals served are tasty, as well as attractive. Patients are offered meals for balanced nutrition in accordance with current nutritional guidelines and physician specification. Patients are visited by Nutritional Services Staff for individual food preferences which are honored within diet guidelines.
The cafeteria offers meals daily from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Nutritional Counseling and Medical Nutrition Therapy:
Available with a physician's order.
The fee is $75.00 for a one hour appointment.
Education and meal plans are individualized by a registered Dietitian.
Counseling is done on a one-to-one basis covering such topic/diseases as Diabetes, HTN and Obesity.
Medical Nutritional Therapy is provided through nutritional assessments, recommendations, and education. Outpatient Nutritional Counseling is provided with a physician or health care provider referral. Individual consultation is available for weight loss, weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, and abnormal cholesterol levels.Call (985)795-4257 to schedule an appointment.
1900 S. Main Street
Franklinton, Louisiana 70438